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returning to my body

returning to my body

returning to the Earth

returning to our shared cycles

astrology is a geocentric system

that is, an Earth-based system

from youtube video Heliocentrism and Geocentrism by David Velasco Villamizar (a really cool and helpful animation!!)

a heliocentric view of the galaxy changed our world 

and does not in any way negate the wisdom of the astrological tradition 

astrology doesn't try to answer the same questions that Science does

astrology is survival wisdom that teaches how the heavenly bodies cycle together with our earthly bodies 

we don't have to pick just one view

so many with a bone-deep soul yearning to validate what is already KNOWN 

what we all remember on some level of our being

that we are the Earth

She is us

we long to return to a loving reciprocal relationship