paradise, now
— C A L E N D A R —
all events are offered live only (no recording)
times shown are Central Standard Time / Minneapolis, MN
Class - Rising Sign & The Houses
essential foundational astrology teaching designed to support new and seasoned students of astrology.
Class - The Planets
essential foundational astrology teaching designed to support new and seasoned students of astrology.
Class - Lunar Nodes & Eclipses
we are entering eclipse season!
learn about the Lunar Nodes + your personal role in our collective evolution
♀conjunct Neptune w/Olivia
playing with infinity: a sensory engagement of our sublime scales of belonging, led by Olivia
Venus egress into Pisces / conjunction with Neptune (2 of 3) 29°53’
song circle
in person - Twin Cities MN
♀ trine Mars
Craft night!
Venus trine Mars, 25° Pisces - Cancer
in person - Twin Cities, MN
♀conjunct Neptune w/Olivia
playing with infinity: a sensory engagement of our sublime scales of belonging, led by Olivia
Venus conjunct Neptune (3 of 3), 1° Aries
orientation to the group & to the astrological context
led by Emma & Olivia
Venus has entered her Rx shadow and makes a conjunction with Neptune, North Node, Moon
28° Pisces