the inner ring

y o u ’ r e i n v i t e d

may the clarity of our inner knowings ring true! 

may our many separate bodies pull together, circling round, connecting + protecting + holding us together!

let’s create + play + grow + build together

when you sign up, I will send you notes about upcoming offerings and opportunities to connect in person and online.

space in groups and classes, booking for planetary counsel, and jewelry collections will be offered to this list first - sometimes only to this list - due to limited availability and/or due to the delicate, intimate nature of the offering.

I wax and I wane and so do my offerings and so will communication from me. I don’t know where this is taking me - which is just how I want it to be!  keeping it fresh + juicy + alive. join me and stay as long as this nectar tastes sweet to you. 

come and go as you please!