the more I can look at myself
see myself, be with myself
all the parts of me
even the ones I’ve learned not to like, the hidden away parts
the more I can feed myself
the more I can give myself the love I need + deserve.
ignoring these needs doesn’t make them go away
these parts make attempts in any way they can
(bitterness, frustration, projecting, blaming, judging, complaining, sleep issues, any number of physical pains / illnesses, relationship challenges … on and on)
what if these parts don’t have to try so hard to get my attention?
what if they feel seen, acknowledged, and validated?
what if I build my life and world around me in a way that honors who and how I really am and what I really want and need?
(and I continually do that because I am constantly returning to the practice of listening to myself)
healing from self-abandonment
the magical part of this is with growing self-intimacy I have greater intimacy in ALL of my relationships
being intimate with the self is also knowing I am part of a greater whole
I can understand the context
what is my role to play?