I break free from overcompliance
I say NO
I don’t like that
I don’t agree
I ACT according to my will
I move courageously in the world even if it is at odds with those around me
I take responsibility for myself and my life
I live according to natural law
I don’t need an external authority to give me permission or to take care of me
I can do hard things
I find it very important when considering the malefics, to also consider the context of the daily grind leaving one exhausted, constantly seeking comfort, convenience, immediate gratification. “give me convenience or give me death" as the operant view.
and to consider the context of the astrological tradition as it has been passed along to us until today.
what kind of relationship was there to authority?
how safe was it for a person to disagree with the group?
was there much possibility to make one’s own fortune (destiny)? or did it rely on the lot you were cast?
I think the ideas we have about what the malefic planets represent now - they have to do with:
how well do you fit in / get along with the greater society or culture?
are you well liked and charming, or do you ruffle feathers and create controversy?
do things just seem to work out, do you always seem to meet the just-right person to help you, or do you grow a deep reserve of self-reliance through facing challenges?
what systems benefit from you having a poor relationship with expressing your Mars self? your Saturn self?
when a culture is profoundly unwell, what good does it do to continue "getting along,” to comply, to rely on an external authority to care for you and tell you what is right? to tell you what is real?
having an expanded awareness still doesn’t make engaging with Mars and Saturn EASY.
but why do I expect life to be easy? well, in part, I am a Venus-ruled person with a prominent Jupiter. perhaps some things have been a little easy for me, perhaps I am more inclined towards wanting to be comfortable. and maybe I was able to get by for a while without developing such a relationship with the malefics. I can also look to the condition of my Mars and my Saturn and note the challenges (and opportunities) I have there. It’s important for me to have conscious awareness around all of this! and see how it has shaped and is currently impacting my life.
I am learning to embrace my Mars self (skillful conflict!) and develop my Saturn self (disciplined self-responsibility!)
it is TOUGH and I am not very skilled at it, yet. and some of my conditioning taught me to just give up after a first “failed” attempt, go back to what I know I can be good at off the jump.
but the more I lean into it, the more I practice, the more I am rewarded.
The rewards of Mars and Saturn are WORTH IT.